

Dynamic Gambian Construction & Real Estate Company in short (DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd). - The Gambia is a diversified corporation with investments in a different area which includes, Real Estate Development, Construction, Borehole drillings, Renewable Energy, Agricultural business and Transportation among host of others. With an ultimate aim of addressing social needs of the society. The business is registered in the Gambia on the 9th of November 2022 and its current address is Sukuta Traffic Light, before Jabang-Jambanjelly Garage.

Real Estate Development: in this portfolio, we provide housing solutions for the low-income earners of both private and public sector employees. It is evident that workers in the above-mentioned sectors work till retirement without a residential home they own. DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd deems it prudent to initiate a social housing scheme to up lift the living conditions of people especially the low-income category. Meanwhile, the Real Estate and the construction Department of Global Investment intends to build a 3- or 4-bedroom low-cost houses in different regions (Municipalities) of the country where these people can access to affordable housing without having to commute long distances to work daily. The regions targeted for the housing project include; West Coast Region, Lower River Region, Central River Region, North Bank Region and Upper River Region. This we believe will add value to production and productivity, efficiency and retention of workers in their various places of work in the country.

The Construction Department: in this portfolio, DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd intends to engage into building full time for our clients both locally and internationally. The process is, the client makes a minimum of 50% or maximum of 75% down payment after the signing of the contract for our construction from the foundation to the key before final delivering to the compound owner. Our construction department plan to engage the government on a housing scheme for its employees; and the regions targeted for the housing project include; West Coast Region, Lower River Region, Central River Region, North Bank Region and Upper River Region. This we believe will add value to production and productivity, efficiency and retention of workers in their various places of work in the country.

Borehole Drilling: in this portfolio DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd will also incorporate borehole drilling for our clients during the construction period of their houses. The process as stated earlier, the client makes a minimum of 75% or maximum of 85% down payment after the signing of the contract for the borehole drilling including cost of all materials involve, the remaining balance shall be paid in a form of a mortgage between (3) months to (6) months.

Renewable Energy (clean energy): this is the second key sector of DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd focus. It is interesting to note that the Gambia as a country where more than half a century after independence is still struggling with regular supply of electricity and clean water in the country. It is important to note that the country still have up to 50% of the population that do not have access utilities which is a fundamental right for them. In this regard, DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd wishes to develop a project called RENT AND OWN facilities to the communities across the length and breadth of the country. Considering the fact that almost 80% of the inhabitants in this country live below the poverty line. Meaning large percentage of Gambians earn below $2 dollar a day and utility being a basic human need, we believe as a company could come in to complement ongoing efforts of the government in this sector. RENT and OWN intervention project initiatives are supported by the fact that many people find it difficult to acquire certain basic amenities for themselves. The purpose of this project is to provide energy in a mortgage form for certain number of years to Gambians and her people.

Agricultural business (Agriculture): this sector would venture in to large scale agricultural production and processing (value addition). DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd believes that with abundance of arable land and excellent soil structure and texture in the provinces, coupled with freshwater component of the River Gambia could be judiciously utilized to fight food insecurity. In addition, it is an avenue where jobs could be created for the youths in the process thus reducing irregular migration and young people searching for greener pasture. This project would explore the production and processing of vegetables, Fruit trees, Sesame, Cotton, Groundnut and Rice among others. Gardening and assist financing are one of the key sectors where DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd want to centered on more special in the rural Gambia. Transportation Sector: The Gambia being very strategic in terms of location in the West African Sub region where many goods come in for onward distribution to the other countries in Africa. This sector is set to provide reliable and affordable cargo services for the region. This sector will also be the distribution arm of the products of the Argo Industry in the country across the region and the world at large. The following mentioned above are the portfolios that DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd intends to implement.



The objective is to make housing and construction affordable for every Gambian in self-reliant and discipline manner through efficiency and transparency.


We cherish to eradicate the philosophy of renting and transform communities to embrace the concept of owning your own property by having values of their monies.

Core Values

As a Construction and Real Estate Co. Ltd, our core value is (SDET) as enshrined in our mission statement as follows:

  • Self-reliant
  • Discipline
  • Efficiency
  • Transparency
  • Image


    To Members

    Create meaningful relationships, where customers/clients consider us their lifelong construction and property developing partner with an everlasting positive customer experience.

    To Employees

    Engage develop and support growth of our staff to ensure their continued success and productivity at work is enhanced in a highly professional standard. Also create an opportunity for staff to be economically Self-reliant and target driving professional during their career building process.

    Products and Services

    Deliver a wide range of superior products and services (including selling of lands, constructions, borehole drilling, leasing of client properties, property development and property management,) that meet the demand and need of customers in line with today's market position.

    To The Community

    We pledged to play a vital role in enriching the communities we serve; by making housing affordable for every Gambian. And sustain a trustworthy reputation at all the time of our operations, as a construction and real estate company.

    380+ Sold Properties
    180 Available Properties
    8 # of Agents

    The Team

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    Musa Fatty

    Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer

    DG Construction and Real Estate Co. Ltd Email: musafatty85@gmail.com/ musadg85@gmail.com Tel: (+220) 3164950/ (+220) 2329336 Whatsapp: (+220) 3164950/ (+220) 2329336


    Fatoumata Ceesay

    Real Estate Manager

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Tel: (+220) 2768925/ (+220) 6918237 Whatsapp: (+220) 2768925


    Fatoumata Ngum

    Construction Sites Supervisor

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Tel: (+220) 2778796 Whatsapp: (+220) 2778796


    Jainaba Sanneh

    Office Secretary

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Tel: (+220) 7835691/ (+220) 3186194 Whatsapp: (+220) 7835691


    Isatou S.M Jallow

    Head of Finance

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Tel: (+220) 3210929/ (+220) 2800715 Whatsapp: (+220) 3210929


    Essana Manjang

    Marketing Agent

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Email: essanam393@gmail.com Tel: (+220) 7813629 Whatsapp: (+231) 555184428


    Masaneh Jatta

    Camera & Video Editor

    Dynamic Gambia TV Email: jattamasaneh@gmail.com Tel:(+220) 3912607 Whatsapp: Tel:(+220) 3912607


    Korka Jallow

    News Reporter

    Dynamic Gambia TV Tel: (+220) 2604378/ (+220) 3424343 Whatsapp: (+220) 3424343


    Kaddijatou Bah

    Marketing Manager

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Tel: (+220) 3782143 Whatsapp: (+220) 3782143


    Amie Jallow

    Marketing Agent

    DG Construction & Real Estate Co. Ltd Tel: (+220) 7190322 Whatsaa: (+220) 7190322
